Chiropractic Care for Kids in Greeley CO

Chiropractic care in Greeley CO can help improve your health and wellness at any stage of your life. We help remove nerve interference from young children to seniors. No matter your age, your condition can be improved with consistent chiropractic care.
Pediatric Chiropractic
It may be difficult to imagine that a child would need chiropractic care. They seldom complain of chronic pain the way adults do and their bodies appear to be made of rubber in the way they bounce back from injury. The truth is, children's bodies are under a lot of stress while they are in a state of development, and keeping them healthy requires maintenance.
Stress and trauma to the body and spine commonly begin with the birthing process. Infant spines can easily become misaligned from the intense pressure involved in both natural and Cesarean births. Unfortunately, other than crying, they have no way of communicating their pain, and its source, to us. Throughout infancy, they may sleep in awkward positions and occasionally take a tumble. As children, they grow into toddlers who strain, and twist, and fall, while learning to crawl and walk. Luckily, they are very resilient and can take a lot of impacts, but it is not uncommon for these injuries to develop into patterns of movement that will pull a child's bones out of alignment over time.
As kids, they may start to develop bad posture. Sitting in front of a computer or TV can have serious repercussions on the spine. Playing contact sports, wearing heavy backpacks (most likely the wrong way), and even sitting in desks can all cause issues. As teenagers, they begin to deal with the stress of more daily responsibilities, like becoming part of the workforce, and use their bodies to perform physical labor such as painting houses and serving tables.
As you can see, there are plenty of opportunities throughout development for a child's body, and particularly their spine, to become out of alignment which will affect other aspects of their healthy nervous system function and development.
How Our Pediatric Chiropractor in Greeley CO Can Help You
The first year of life is by far the most traumatic…new world, new everything. It is a lot for such a little body/nervous system to handle. The youngest patient cared for at REV Chiropractic was two weeks old! Just think how traumatic the birthing process is on mama, but don’t forget how traumatic it is for the baby. Our goal is to ensure infants/kids have a healthy nervous system to allow for proper development and to grow up to be healthy adults.
Chiropractic Care for Children Can Help:
- Improve focus
- Ease constipation
- Improve sleep
- Decrease Reflux
- Lessen ear infections
- Diminish allergies and asthma
- Improve behavior
- Decrease anxiety
How Can I Tell If My Child Needs Chiropractic Care?
A child's spine can become quite misaligned without any awareness on their part of pain or discomfort. Children have not always developed enough awareness of their bodies to identify a subtle chronic issue developing. Even when a child is experiencing pain, they may not be able to communicate it to you and it can come across as grumpiness, acting out, or incessant crying. Issues with the spine can also be the source of many other childhood issues.
What is Chiropractic Care for Kids?
A chiropractic treatment for a child begins with an extensive examination to determine the exact issue and the best route for treatment. Even if your child is too young to communicate, or too shy, a chiropractor has the skills to work with them to find out exactly what is going on before proceeding with treatment, if it is determined treatment is needed. Gentle and non-invasive adjustments are then made to the spine. Children will often become relaxed and even fall asleep following treatment, a good sign that it has been effective. If you are concerned about your child's spinal health, call our team at REV Chiropractic to set up a consultation today.
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
REV Chiropractic
2839 35th Ave
Greeley, CO 80634
P: (970) 616-8111
F: (970) 616-8222